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Script for Chapter 11 Video Presentation Assignment

Presentation Assignment

Q Video Presentation Upload Assignment Ch 11 COLLAPSE Please create a 5 minute (minimum) video according to the criteria in your book for either 1) Speaking to Inform or 2) Speaking to Persuade and upload it to your Youtube channel. This can be a video of you presenting something on a topic of your chosing (again - to inform OR persuade) but it must be APPROPRIATE for our professional communication class and follow the guidelines in the book related to these types of presentations. It can be a powerpoint presentation with your voiceover, a video of you just speaking, a video of you using a whiteboard to explain something or any appropriate professional type of presentation. Please email me if you have any questions about the nature of this. As we did with the introductory video, please make your video "UNLISTED" so that the only way to find it is with the link, and then post the link (you must click "share" and copy THAT SPECIFIC link, then post THAT link) on this discussion board as a reply to this post, so that all of the posts are in one thread. YOU CAN DO IT! :-) and as usual, please make sure all of your links are posted as a reply to this, my original post, so all links and videos are under one thread. Thank you!

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